Gale Force Storm Winds Paralyzes Canary Islands

Severe weather paralyzes Canary Islands
Violent storms ravage the Canary Isles. The storm, which is the most powerful in the islands since 2002, has already caused extensive damage and paralyzing air traffic.
53 flights have been canceled, schools are closed and tens of thousands have lost their power because of the storm that has ravaged the Canary Islands since Sunday.
The Canary Islands have not been out for so powerful storm since 2002. At the time, 13 people lost their lives in the storm, and the cost for the enormous damage amounted to several billion.

Now the storm again reached the islands. The storm that hit Sunday afternoon has already led to significant material damage.

On Tenerife, La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera and Gran Canaria authorities have stepped up preparedness to code red, which is the highest.

According to Florida records are expected waves of up to five meters and up to 15 inches of rain per hour throughout the day and night.

Gusts up to 161 km / h
South of Gran Canaria has gusts have reached the 161 km / h (45 meters per second) at 2400 meters altitude in the Parador de Tenerife. The storm may remain over the islands until Wednesday.
Tens of thousands lost power 
There are reports of flooding, overturned trees, road signs that have come loose or blown down walls that have collapsed roofs are blown off houses and landslides across roads in several places in the Canary Islands.

On Sunday night, slid into the reported storm over the western islands: Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro and parts of Gran Canaria.


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