Shooter Who Killed Bin Laden Now Fears for HIS Life

He was a soldier who killed Osama bin Laden

Soldier who killed Osama bin Laden Fears for his Own Life

He was a soldier who killed Osama bin Laden with three shots to the head. Now he fears for his and his family's safety.

 I remember when I saw him draw his last breath, I thought: Is this the best I've ever done or the worst thing I've ever done?

It says the soldier who fired the shots that killed Osama bin Laden in a lengthy interview in the American magazine Esquires March number.

The famous American journalist Phil Bronstein has had conversations with the soldier, who in the article just referred to as the "shooter" for almost a year.

The journalist and Esquire writes that they keep his name secret for the sake of the soldier's safety.

Three shots in the middle of the forehead

"Shooter" was part of the group of elite soldiers from the U.S. Navy, called SEAL Team 6, who attacked Osama bin Laden's hideout in Abbottabad in Pakistan 2 May 2011.

Bronstein has spoken with several members of the group who confirms that "shooter" came first into the room where bin Laden was hiding.

He rolled into the room and had to lift the weapon higher than he had expected to meet bin Laden should have pushed his youngest wife, Amal, in front of him. Then he shot three shots in the middle of the forehead of bin Laden.

- I did not know if she had a bomb vest on him and was pushed to make them both martyrs. He had a gun within reach and was thus a threat. I had to shoot him in the head so he had the opportunity to blow up in the air. The moment I shot him twice in the forehead. Then he collapsed I shot him once. He was dead and did not move. Tongue sticking out of mouth, says "shooter."

Killed over 30 people

«Shooter» says he went into the Navy at age 19, after a girl broke up with him.

- I enlisted me on a sudden impulse. That is why Al Qaeda was decimated, she broke my heart, he said.

The journalist Phil Bronstein writes that the two have talked about the hundreds of sharp assignment "shooter" has been on his twelve long SEAL missions, and over 30 enemies he 
Has taught the children to hide in the bath
After 16 years in the U.S. Navy is "shooter" now out of the military.

The body is full of scars, he has gout, eye injuries and broken vertebrae.
Yet Bronstein writes that he can not expect any benefit from the defense, no health insurance and no protection for himself and his family.

"Shooter" is afraid that someone will find him and avenge the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Therefore, he has taught his children that at the first sign of danger, they hide in the bath, the safest place in the house.

His wife has been trained to shoot a shotgun out of the door of the bedroom, and she has a knife in the chest should it be necessary.

When he asked the defense what kind of protection he could expect if his identity were to be revealed, he was told that the family could join a witness protection program. Once the defense has created one such program.

Currently he earns  money on consulting assignments, but has no real job and no insurance on work in the future.

Store sales of book and film

While the man who murdered Osama bin Laden is struggling with the transition to civilian life, others earned big money on killing.
At the same time the book went straight to the top of the bestseller lists and publisher Penguin Dutton said that one million copies were sold in just the first week.

In January last year, the film Zero Dark Thirty, which shows a dramatized version of the hunt and the killing of bin Laden.

The film received favorable reviews and was nominated for several Oscars, but has also been criticized for glorifying torture .

During the first three weeks the film played in over half a billion worldwide, write Box Office Mojo .

Esquire prefer instead the "shooter", which actually took the lives of the world's most wanted terrorist, and shows that he knows how to make a living in the future.


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