Iran MASS Producing Copies of U.S. Drones.wmv

Iran mass producing copies of U.S. drone

The original drone is of a Scan Eagle, which takes off from aircraft carriers and larger warships, and was, according to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards captured when it ran the intelligence of the Persian Gulf in December.

USA denied that they missed some drones, but according to the Iranian Navy drone is already analyzed, copied and produced in multiple copies.

State television in Iran quoted Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, who is commander of the Revolutionary Guards navy and air force unit.

Fadavi claims that Iran has acquired knowledge about the production of the Scan Eagle drones, and that production of the first copies were started as early as two weeks after they got hold of the original.

According to news agency Fars military claims that they have obtained the same model before, and that production is in full swing.
Displayed reconnaissance photos
Iran also claims to have extracted the imagery of a RQ-170 drone, which was hijacked in December 2011.

- By analyzing the information we have collected from the drone, we found out that it had carried out many missions in neighboring Iran, says air force chief Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

State television in Iran last week showed video images allegedly retrieved from the drone.

The pictures show according to Iranian media is a U.S. base in Afghanistan and a number of general photos taken from the air.

When the drone was captured two years ago threatened the Iranian defense to pick it apart to learn the technology and build a replica. U.S. President Barack Obama asked for it back , but Iran refused .


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