Berlusconi and the "minor prostitute"

LONDON - Silvio Berlusconi back in the spotlight of the international media, with newspapers, internet websites and news from around the world who devote ample space to the judicial inquiry into the new Italian prime minister. The titles are similar, from "Berlusconi under investigation for prostitution" in the Financial Times "Silvio and the prostitute of 17 years" on the Sun to "Ruby Heartbreaker and the sexual allegations that could bring down Silvio" in the Daily Mail. And even the Russian press, for the most part strictly controlled by the Kremlin, now speaks for the first time of the incident, despite the known ties of friendship between Berlusconi and Prime Minister Putin, who according to rumors circulating until now would have been the guest of leader of the PDL on the occasion of one of the evenings when even the underage Moroccan he was in his villa.

"Ilda the Red signals big trouble for Berlusconi" is the title of the 'Observer, Sunday edition of the London Guardian. "For a man who says he loves women, Ilda Boccassini may be an exception," writes the correspondent Tom Kingston from Rome, pointing out that the prosecutor in Milan, "nicknamed Red for the color of hair and his progressive sympathies" was described as "a tiger does not stop at nothing" by the mafia on which he has conducted numerous investigations. The charges now turned to Berlusconi, with a request for a speedy trial, skipping the stage First of all, made ​​possible by the decision of the Constitutional Court to remove the immunity from prosecution enjoyed by the prime minister, note the 'Observer, can result in "a serious blow" to the Italian leader: "Abandoned by his wife because of previous sex scandals with young women, the prime minister has survived a confidence vote in parliament late last year, but his government is standing by a hair and can hardly afford a new drama based on sex. "

"The police raided the houses of the show-girls hosted by Berlusconi" in Milano 2, is the title of the Sunday Times, that it is likely that the case "will complicate the attempt by Berlusconi to build a strong parliamentary majority after winning by a whisker the vote of confidence last month. " Another British newspaper, the 'Independent headline on the "discovery of a harem of 14 women held by Berlusconi" in the apartment complex in Milan 2, which was his first real estate development. "The women lived in those apartments without paying rent and receiving large sums of money in cash billionaire political man in exchange for sex," writes the London newspaper, pointing out that even among Berlusconi's allies is a growing belief that if allegations that the prime minister by Milan magistrates will prove to be true, and if they actually have in hand a "smoking gun", a smoking gun, as their determination leads one to believe, then, "Berlusconi would be in trouble as they have never experienced before" .

The Guardian spoke of the "devastating possibility for Silvio Berlusconi be put on trial for a sexual offense." And the Times, full-page headline that "prosecutors investigating Berlusconi for sex with a minor prostitute", a crime - note the newspaper - which entails a prison sentence of three years, said in an editorial that the new charges "may be problematic for a politician from the unbelievable ability to resist like Berlusconi." The newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch praised editorial Ilda Boccassini, defining it as a magistrate "much admired for his courage, professionalism and independence", which was a personal friend of Giovanni Falcone, "the judge murdered by the Mafia "and played both Cosa Nostra and the Calabrian Ndrangheta in his long career.

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