Obama Defends the Right of Government to Spy When Necessary

Obama cartoon with satellite dishes for ears
Cagle Cartoon of Obama with Satallite Dish Ears
NSA spying revelations overshadow Obama-Xi meeting......................................................................... President Barack Obama’s meeting with the Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping this weekend is likely to be impacted in more ways than one by yesterday’s revelation that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is collecting private  information on individuals from major Internet companies. Just as Obama prepares to meet with Xi to discuss issues such as cyber-security and civil liberties, it has emerged that the US government ordered the widespread collection of private information and may also have sanctioned hacking of internet companies’ private data. Barack Obama and Xi Jinping meet in California this weekend. Michael Hayden, former head of the NSA and then CIA under George Bush Jr, summed up the difficulties of negotiating on cyber-espionage in Businessweek.  President Obama Defends NSA Spying, Says Americans Aren’t Targeted..........................................................................................To put it lightly, the Internet blew up last night on the news that the NSA has tapped into data belonging to pretty much every major tech company. In the end, Obama said that the issue of NSA spying is best left up to Congress and judges. NSA a case that challenges the constitutionality of warrantless spying. Is Silicon Valley Spying On You For The Federal Government?  President Obama Defends NSA Spying on Internet, Phone Records (Video)........................................................................................... During a press conference today, President Barack Obama responded to news that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been monitoring internet activity and the telephone records of millions of Verizon customers (video below). "The programs that have been discussed the last couple of days in the press are secret, in the sense that they are classified, but they're not secret in the sense that when it comes to telephone calls, every member of Congress has been briefed on this program," Obama said. However, Obama did not mention that the FISA court used by the NSA is secret and is not publicly accountable like a normal criminal court. NSA’s PRISM Mines User Data from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Skype, AOL, YouTu...
President Obama/Bush Responds to NSA Spying Scandal................................. President Obama/Bush Responds to NSA Spying -- Daily Intelligencer Obama: "Nobody is listening to your telephone calls ... Kanye Too ‘Squeamish’ to Watch Kim Give Birth – Is That Weird? Get restaurant menus and deals, as well as the latest food news. In 2006, Obama blasted NSA spying: ‘No president is above the law’..................................................................................... In 2006, Obama blasted NSA spying: ‘No president is above the law’ | WashingtonExaminer.com Barack Obama criticized the nomination of U.S. Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, citing the controversial National Security Agency program for wiretapping Americans and collecting their phone records. I have no doubt that General Hayden will be confirmed. Americans fought a Revolution in part over the right to be free from unreasonable searches–to ensure that our Government could not come knocking in the middle of the night for no reason.


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