Man Accused of Witchcraft Murdered in Bizarre Lynching by Kali Adherents

Silchar: About 2,000 individuals looked on as 80-odd tea-workers drank and moved around 55-year-old Jawaharlal Mura -his situation is anything but hopeful--bound up with rope -droning "Jai Ma Kali", before lynching him for supposedly practising dark enchanting on Thursday evening. The strike happened at Narainpur Tea Estate in Assam's Cachar area, 80km from here.

"We saw in our dreams that Mura was a witch and we murdered him as per the cravings of Goddess Kali," a furious villager later told police.

Cachar Sp Diganta Bora said, "This is an instance of witch-chasing. We have captured 11 individuals, incorporating three ladies, in association with the murdering." Bora said the occupants of Kalabeelbasti, an out-arrangement of Narainpur Tea Estate, blamed Mura for being a witch and considered him answerable for the diseases and passings of a few persons in the arrangement.

On Thursday evening, the furious horde played out an inquisitive custom before killing the man they had marked a witch. They grasped Mura and tied up his hands and legs with rope. They then soaked him, spread vermillion on his brow and performed a puja at Kali's "thaan" (sacrificial table) under an old banyan tree in the tea enclosure. The men and ladies then drank and moved around him, conjuring the goddess' name, before lynching him. His physique was later covered in a hillock a little separation from his home.

On Friday, Mura's physique was unearthed and sent to the Silchar Medical Collage Hospital for dissection. 


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