Dozens of Teen Funerals in Brazil in for Victims of Fire

Family members carry the coffin of one of the victims of a night club fire in Brazil. They are still waiting for answers. At least 231 people died .... and over 80 injured ... when the Kiss night club in Santa Maria went up in flames Sunday. Most of the victims were university students between 18 and 25 years old.

 REGIONAL COORDINATOR OF EDUCATION, CELITA DA SILVA, SAYING: "The sadness is great all around, and it's very hard to help people when you are also grieving, but the effort has been great from local and national volunteers and also from people around the world as well."

Shell-shocked residents attended a marathon of funerals. Witnesses say that most of the dead were suffocated by toxic fumes that filled the night club after the band set off fireworks Police have questioned the club's owner and members of the band ... in what was the second deadliest fire on record in Brazil.


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