Chavez in Coma

Hugo Chavez is in a coma
The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has entered into an induced coma , according to sources consulted by the Spanish newspaper ABC. The newspaper says the president's vital signs are very weak and maintained with the assistance of artificial coma. Their disconnection would scheduled and only waiting for the decision of Chávez's daughter. "That disconnect, with predictable result of death, could occur at any time" refers ABC. Vital functions of the Venezuelan leader would artificially assisted after the operation he underwent on Dec. 11 at the hospital in Havana (Cuba ), where it is placed. intervention was to remove her four crops of pelvis and bowel cancer, but a biopsy performed during surgery also detected cancer cells in the inner walls of the bowel and bladder. Venezuelan President were extracted 43.4 inches of small intestine. According to intelligence sources with access to your medical team quoted by Spanish media, Chavez would have placed an "anus against nature ', ie an artificial catheter placed at the side of the abdomen with introduction in the small intestine, and intravenous feeding would be due to the removal of nearly two feet of intestine. respiratory functions also were artificially assisted after tracheotomy which was submitted by an infection that led to the retention of fluid in the lungs . This table is completed with renal insufficiency. ABC precise operation also found that bone metastasis and bone marrow was steadily progressing. "Normally this would have probably required an upcoming bone marrow transplant, but his condition deteriorated and so has not allowed more actions" they say.


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