studies show that semen acts as a psychoactive drug in the body of women

Scientific studies show that semen acts as a psychoactive drug in the body of women, improving mood and cognitive skills, the benefits of semen seem related to evolutionary advantages
Life seems to own a secret intelligence subtly deployed to ensure their existence and evolution toward greater complexity. One way to do this in humans semen is doing a sort of psychoactive drug whose beneficial effects make women feel the need to receive this seed of liquid light (making them somewhat addicted to life, to create life, through this material and the close link causes). Although at first glance this might seem like a hyperbolic phallocratic singing the virtues of semen, the scientific reality is that semen acts as a psychoactive drug in the body of women.
The finding that semen acts as a natural antidepressant is due to Dr. Gordon Gallup and Rebecca Burch Dr. State University of New York. Gallup ran in the 90's with the intriguing fact that unlike sexually active heterosexual women living together, sexually involved lesbians did not exhibit the famous "McClintock effect", which are synchronized menstrual cycles of women who cohabit the same space (as females of other species). Since the signals are known to mediate the olfactory or pheromones menstrual synchrony.
Given this phenomenon, Gallup and his colleague asked: "Since it is expected that lesbians are in a close and intimate relationship every day than other women who live together, what is the case in heterosexual women that promotes menstrual synchrony or what happens in the lesbians that prevents menstrual synchrony? It occurred to us that a distinguishing feature of heterosexual women lesbians is the presence of semen in the female reproductive tract. Lesbians have free sex semen ".
Gallup and Burch then deduced that certain chemicals in human semen affect female biology through vaginal absorption, so that women who have sex without a condom literally smell differently than women who do not have sex without a condom, or at least their bodies emit pheromones that abut the menstrual cycles of women cohabiting.
As noted by Jesse Bering on the site of the magazine Scientific America , doctors have long known that the vagina is an ideal route for drug administration. This is because the vagina is surrounded by a vascular network: arteries, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and, unlike other routes of administration of drugs or medicines, chemicals that are absorbed vaginally have almost direct line with the circulatory system peripheral.
Since semen contains more than 50 chemicals, it makes sense to be inserted into the vagina to take effect in female biology. The semen complicated chemical profile includes a number of hormones, neurotransmitters, endorphins and immunosuppressants, each with a specific function in different concentrations occurring within seminal plasma. Within the chemical cocktail (or alchemy, as seen) of semen are several compounds that affect mood, including cortisol (increase affection), estrone (elevates mood), prolacitina (acts as a natural antidepressant ), oxytocin (elevates the mood and creates a sense of attachment is called "love hormone"), thyrotropin releasing hormone (also a natural antidepressant), melatonin (a hormone that regulates sleep), and even serotonin (the best known antidepressant neurotransmitter).
To test their hypothesis that semen acts as an antidepressant, Gallup and Burch did a study with 293 women on the campus of the State University of New York. Study participants answered a questionnaire about their recent sexual behavior, including condom use. Each participant also completed the Beck Depression Inventory, a commonly used test for the presence of depressive symptoms.
The results showed that women who had sex and "never" used condoms showed significantly fewer depressive symptoms than those who used them "sometimes" or "always". These women not using condoms also showed fewer depressive symptoms than women who did not have sex. Significantly, women who used condoms and had an active sex life showed depressive symptoms to the same extent that women who abstained from sex. Suggesting that it is not just sex that makes women happy, but pressing the seminal fluid in their veins.
The same study showed that only 4.5% of women who "never" used condoms were considering suicide, while 28.9% said that they used to consider "sometimes" suicide, while 13.2% of those "always" used condoms considered suicide as an option.
Although we could not find the link, Jesse Bering at Scientific America writes that in one study of Dr. Gallup found that "women exposed to semen perform better on cognitive tests and learning", which seems to suggest that semen not only makes women happy, it also enhances their intellectual abilities.
And it seems that semen not only has effects on the psyche of women, also on men who have sex without a condom homoerotic. In a study by Canadian researchers Dave Holmes and Dan Warner, in which gay men interviewed on the reasons for preferring anal sex without a condom, a common response was that the exchange of semen provided them a sense of "connection "which only occurred with internal ejaculation. Although this could be a Lacanian emotional transfer, is also the case of the Sambia tribe in Papua New Guinea, in which children are subjected to ritual ingestion of semen as part of its transition to adolescence. At 11 and 12 years, many of these young people are actively looking for performing fellatio semen and masculinize their bodies. Although this is part of a context of cultural significance, it is also possible that seminal plasma testosterone between the oral mucosa providing these young people sought their "masculinity" and not just a symbolic act.
The chemistry of semen also seems to offer another addition to their evolutionary advantage psychodynamics. Unlike other species men have no external cues to find their chances of getting a woman pregnant (at least it has the finest smell, can hardly perceive that a woman is in her fertile period). Conveniently semen produced two female hormones, the hormna luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormone. As contradefensa concealed ovulation to women, these hormones help premature female eggs to mature. Luteinizing hormone triggers ovulation and follicle stimulating hormone rushes maturation. This causes the mating ovulation may sometimes occur at points of the cycle where it would not happen. Like all drugs, semen also produces a withdrawal syndrome. Gallup found that women who had sex without condoms experience a deeper depression when cutting a relationship than women who were not exposed to the semen of her ex. These women exposed to semen faster seek sexual partners presumably to receive a dose of semen and medicate his depression.
"Seminal plasma evolved to control and manipulate the female reproductive system to work in the best interest of its donor, man," says Gallup. "If you start thinking about semen in those terms, the fact that semen may be an antidepressant becomes much more interesting as it can promote the link between a woman and her sexual partner."
Gallup is currently studying the effect of the mental state of a man ejaculate when the composition of his semen. It is possible that certain semen samples can be enhanced by the subject's mental state that produces them. Some men may be able to produce a kind of elixir ( The magician Aleister Crowley used the semen to prepare their cakes called Luz, a kind cosmic ostia to communicate with the astral world ) while others only produce a small quantity of this version psychoactive drug found in his testicles.
We do not intend, however, elicit expressions like "I'm no doctor, but my testicles are licensed pharmaceutical suppliers" or countless scientific puns that can be generated with this "Prozac in the prostate." Nor call universal sex without a condom for a better, happier place. Obviously sex without a condom and honey must be reserved to emotional maturity and social responsibility.
Finally it would be interesting to find out if the vaginal mucosa has any effect on the psychobiology of man, though the penis is clearly not a way of eating as effective as the vagina. It should not be unusual for this substance (chemicals produced by women during sex) have some evolutionary advantage in humans.


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