Is a Polio Vaccine a U S Operation to STERILIZE MUSLIMS

Polio and Politics in PakistanPolio and Politics in Pakistan
The idea was that 250,000 volunteers to vaccinate 18.3 million Pakistani children against polio during this week. It did not, for Pakistani Taliban struck and killed nine health workers in the city of Karachi in the south and in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province northeast of Pakistan.

The government and the World Health Organization decided to stop vaccination until further in these areas. But Thursday went 6,000 health workers escorted by 3,000 police officers out in the city of Lahore to resume drop of vaccination which saves lives.

Fighting between the government and Taliban
This is a battle over who should decide what is best for the country's rising generation, the government or the Taliban. It is also a struggle against ignorance, bigotry and conspiracy theories that affects Pakistan's relations with the U.S. and other Western countries.

For already this summer let local rulers in the tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan banned. 161,000 children in North Waziristan and about as many in South Waziristan should be kept far away from vaccines, whether it is about polio, measles, diphtheria and hepatitis.
 Anyone who is involved in vaccine-related activities will be resolutely handle, said spokesman Ihsanullah Ihsan from the Pakistani Taliban.

According to the health director in these areas know what they risk by defying the ban, namely, beheading, stoning and liquidation.
Think vaccines is a sterilization program
There are many people who really believe that vaccines are part of a giant sterilization program to limit the number of Muslims in the world. In addition, vaccination programs a reputation as covert espionage when a doctor was sentenced to 30 years in prison for having helped the CIA to track down Osama bin Laden in his hideout in Pakistan.
Under the guise of conducting vaccination, overall Dr. Afridi in reality the DNA material to determine bin Laden's identity. The doctor was arrested by Pakistani police three weeks after U.S. special forces killed Al Qaeda leader. According to Doctors without Borders, CIA in this way damaged vaccination programs in many parts of the world.
Hundreds are killed every month
Pakistani Taliban is just one of many groups in Pakistan who use violence to achieve their goals. In the port city of Karachi will be 25 different organizations with ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Hundreds are killed every month, writes the renowned Pakistani commentator Ahmed Rashid.

The subjects range from global holy war with Islamic emirates that goal, local feuds over power and resources. Yesterday it was announced that Malala, the 15-year-old girl who was shot by the Taliban because she blogged about girls' rights, asked the government do about a decision to name the school she went after her.
Malala fears of attacks against schools, after Islamists broke in and tore down portraits of her, while some parents have started boycotting classes.
Schizophrenic policy of the Pakistani side
The government of Pakistan also fears that the situation could be even worse when NATO combat troops are out of Afghanistan in 2014. Until now they have taken a schizophrenic policy, where they support the Afghan Taliban, but fighting against Pakistani Taliban.
Support for the Afghan fighters have been insurance premium to prevent Indian influence. But while it seems the two Taliban movements reinforcing each other, with ripple effects beyond the inaccessible border areas. Therefore, Pakistani authorities now have started to rethink their support for the Afghan Taliban.
A decisive victory is unrealistic
A few handfuls of prisoners are released and handed over to Afghan authorities, prisoners who could otherwise have been released on promises of services for the Afghan nation-building project.
Afghan and Pakistani leaders in high-level meeting to discuss the roadmap for peace that also includes the Afghan Taliban. They have agreed not to accept the Taliban's demand to negotiate directly with the Americans without people representing President Karzai attends.
The direct talks between U.S. and Taliban stranded because Congress blocked the release of five Taliban prisoners at Guantanamo, but the Taliban will be interested in the resume.

There are also the leaders in the U.S., understands that a decisive victory on the battlefield is nothing more than a thought fetus.
Terror is to some extent impotent political strategy. But several places in Pakistan controls the terrorists large areas and millions of people's lives. Can the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan to drive a wedge between the more globally oriented holy warriors of the Pakistani Taliban and the more nationally oriented groups in the Afghan Taliban, yes it is a necessary step towards peace, but hardly sufficient.


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